Wing Chun for the youth aim is to provide full time martial arts education for your children from the age of 8, taking them through our black belt and leadership courses, and developing them into young instructors.

Our dedicated team of instructors have been taught the relevant teaching skills at our Regional Headquarters which is based in London, under the guidance of Sifu Amjad.


Medium – High




Cardio Stamina

Class Benefits





Fat Burning




Basic Striking

Developing the ability to move dynamically, learning basic punching combinations

Partner Training

Learning to work safely with pads and kick shields, communicate with a partner and develop confidence, mirroring your training partner and developing co-spatial awareness

Basic Kicking

Building leg strength, balance and flexibility of what a martial artist is

Self Defence Training

Dealing and understanding distance, grabs, stranger danger, teaching safety and responsibilities

Teenagers are practicing new moves by repeating for the trainer in karate class.

Class Prices

Trial Day Pass
Free for 1 day
Weekly Pass
1-Month Pass

Children’s Martial Arts Development and Benefits

10 Life changing benefits for your children

1. Confidence and Self-Esteem: All beginners have fun and perform easy exercises promoting inner belief, leading to increased focus and strength of character.

2. Fitness: Developing your body and mind to be healthy through strength, flexibility and cardiovascular exercise.

3. Personnel Safety: Punching, kicking and blocking techniques are some of the practical close and long range skills you will learn

4. Self Control: It is essential that all children learn to conduct themselves with restraint to increase strength of mind and character.

5. Focus: Making smarter decisions through listening and reaction drills that will improve your concentration and dexterity

6. Etiquette: The development of courtesy and integrity reinforces respect and interpersonal skills for everyone.

7. Balance and Coordination: These are important skills to learn at the start of your Martial Arts Journey as they ultimately lead to better posture and good spatial awareness.

8. Discipline: Building a positive vision of discipline as a highly rewarding life-skill that improves personal development.

9. Positive Energy Channeling: Martial Arts helps children channel their energy in a positive and self rewarding way through goal setting and the drive to improve.

10. Indomitable Spirit: A non-quitting attitude that is always positive and eager to learn. The secret to becoming a winner in Martial Arts is to overcome difficulties through perseverance.

Let’s get your child started with Wing Chun Kung Fu

Internal Wing Chun Kung Fu Organisations and is known for high-quality Martial Arts training for adults and children.

Our Wing Chun martial arts classes are suitable children of all 8 years old up to 14.

Here are just 8 Reasons why you should visit one of our classes, and what we’ll teach your child.

– How to stand up to bullies in school.
– Why self-discipline is important to develop early on in life.
– Improved focus and concentration which will help in school.
– Always be respectful to parents and others around you.
– How to defend yourself while learning self-control.
– Improved fitness, and wellbeing.
– We’ll help build your child’s confidence
– All kids gradings are 100% free!
