The benefits of training in Martial Arts are vast; The benefits of Wing Chun, in particular, do not restrict training ability; for example, if you are over 40, it doesn’t mean you can not learn Wing Chun; just because you are overweight, it doesn’t mean you can not learn Wing Chun, just because you’re not strong, it doesn’t mean you can not learn Wing Chun, anyone can study Wing Chun, it is suitable for men and women regardless of age, weight, experience or physical stature.

"The best form of self defense is to become invisible... If you can't do that learn Wing Chun!" Wong Shun Leung
"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of." Bruce Lee

Despite all this, the honest truth is that Wing Chun is one of the most effective martial arts for self-defense. When it comes to street use and self-defense, the effectiveness of Wing Chun is one of the main reasons people choose it over other martial arts.

“Wing Chun teaches you what to concentrate on, whether you’re here or out in the world dealing with problems. It’s second nature for me now. I don’t even get to the point where there’s a problem.”

Robert Downey, Jr.