From the moment you walk through the door you know Internal Wing Chun is a unique place

Classes are taught in a relaxed and friendly environment by our team of professional instructors, all of whom have undergone thorough training to ensure they can deliver to you the best in martial arts training.

Each instructor is personally trained in Wing Chun by the School to ensure they are aware of the most up-to-date techniques currently being practised. Every instructor is competent and capable of giving you the exact training you require to meet your individual goals. They are also CRB checked for added peace of mind.


Students Joinned


Boxing Ring


Open Days aWeek


Courses Studied


Wing Chun has a positive effect on your wellbeing and your engagement in life generally. You will gain Improved mental clarity, focus, and confidence from the mental aspects of the Wing Chun training.


Wing Chun sharpens your reflexes and enhances your self-defense skills. The physical aspects of the Wing Chun will get you in better shape, enjoying improved health and fitness.


The meditative aspect of the Wing Chun forms will help you find inner peace and balance, resulting in greater appreciation of life and reduced stress.

The trainers, staff and this place make me feel like I am part of the family. It is great experience to be and train here every day

What We Teach

We started with a simple vision: to create the premier Kungfu community

We teach Wing Chun kung fu, the Chinese martial art made famous by the legendary Bruce Lee, as well as by recent biographical films about our late Grand Master Yip Man (or Ip Man). A traditional kung fu originating from the Shaolin Temple, Wing Chun is recognised as one of the most efficient self-defence systems around. Its emphasis on accuracy rather than strength makes Wing Chun suitable for men and women of all ages and fitness levels.